Currently available features ============================= Numscrypt currently supports: - ndarray with - one or two dimensions - dtype int32, float32, float64, complex32 and complex64 - indexing - simple and extended slicing - astype - tolist - real - imag - __repr__ and __str__ - transpose - overloaded operators: * / + - @, mixing of ndarray and scalar expressions - empty, array, copy - hsplit, vsplit - hstack, vstack - zeros, ones, identity - linalg with - matrix inversion - eigenvalue / eigenvector decomposition - FFT with - FFT for 2^n complex samples - IFFT for 2^n complex samples - FFT2 for 2^n x 2^n complex samples - IFFT2 for 2^n x 2^n complex samples Note that all operations where the distinction between row vectors and column vectors matters, only work on ndarrays with two dimensions. Such operations are e.g. *@*, *hstack*, *vstack*, *hsplit* and *vsplit*. When used with these operations, a row vector should have shape *(1,n)* and a column vector should have shape *(n,1)*. Furthermore views and broadcasting are not supported. Systematic code examples: a guided tour of Numscrypt ===================================================== One ready-to-run code example is worth more than ten lengthy descriptions. The *autotest and demo suite*, that is part of the distribution, is a collection of sourcecode fragments called *testlets*. These testlets are used for automated regression testing of Numscrypt against NumPy. Since they systematically cover all the library constructs, they are also very effective as a learning tool. The testlets are arranged alphabetically by subject. .. literalinclude:: ../../development/automated_tests/ndarray/ :tab-width: 4 :caption: Autotest: Numscrypt autotest demo suite Basics: creating and using arrays --------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../development/automated_tests/ndarray/basics/ :tab-width: 4 :caption: Testlet: basics Linalg: matrix inversion and eigen decomposition ------------------------------------------------ .. literalinclude:: ../../development/automated_tests/ndarray/module_linalg/ :tab-width: 4 :caption: Testlet: module_linalg Fourier transform: FFT(2) and IFFT(2) for 2^n (x 2^n) samples, using complex arrays ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../development/automated_tests/ndarray/module_fft/ :tab-width: 4 :caption: Testlet: module_fft Some more examples: interactive tests ===================================== Benchmark --------- Performance of operations like *@* and *inv* .. literalinclude:: ../../development/manual_tests/slicing_optimization/ :tab-width: 4 :caption: Benchmark: slicing_optimization